Moss Landing Harbor Dredging -- Project Update 8/21/2007


Operations & Maintenance Dredging of the Moss Landing Harbor Federal Channels, Moss Landing, Monterey County, California

Authorization:  This project was authorized by the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 2, 1945, allowing the operation and maintenance dredging of the Federal Channel at Moss Landing Harbor.  Such Maintenance dredging normally occurs on approximately a three-year dredging cycle.  The most recent dredging was completed in 2003.  

Purpose:  Moss Landing Harbor has experienced excessive shoaling in the Federal channel.   Shallow depths especially in the Inner Lagoon Channel have limited the movement of the vessels.  The proposed maintenance dredging of Moss Landing Harbor will maintain the Congressionally authorized depth of -15 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) in the Federal navigation channels of the north harbor. 

Timing:   The project duration is approximately 30 days.  Mobilization will commence approximately August 21, and dredging and dredged material placement will commence on about August 22.  Dredging activities will take place for about 30 days.  Dredging operations may take place 24 hours a day.

Project Description:  Approximately 42,000 cubic yards (CY) will be dredged using both hydraulic cutterhead and clamshell dredges.  About 3,000 CY which is unsuitable material will remain in place.   About 13,500 CY of material is expected to be used for beach nourishment and the remaining 28,500 CY is expected to be placed at the approved offshore site SF-14.

Environmental Compliance:  An Environmental Assessment (EA) was completed and distributed for comment.  The EA is available electronically at the San Francisco District Corps of Engineers web site , if you have difficulty accessing this document, please contact us.  Please note that since publication of the EA, a number of changes have been proposed by the Corps or the resource and regulatory agencies.  All changes have been approved by the resource and regulatory agencies.  These changes are:  (1) the dates have been finalized to the ones shown above, (2) the offshore placement site has been changed from SF-12 to SF-14, and (3) the amount of material to be dredged has been determined to be that shown above.  The Corps has received the necessary permits and concurrences from the various agencies listed in the EA.  Surveys for the western snowy plover will take place at least four times during the project in order to avoid any possible adverse effects.  Results of the most recent surveys indicated that they are not present within 1 km of the project area.

Points of contact:

Environmental compliance

Bill Brostoff


Project manager

Neil Hedgecock


Project engineer

Aurelio Gavieres



Projects & Planning General Info
450 Golden Gate
San Francisco, CA 94102