US Army Corps of Engineers
San Francisco District Website

Water Resources and Development Act

WRRDA 2014, Section 1002 - Consolidation of Studies

This section amends Section 905 of the Water Resources and Development Act (WRDA) 1986 to establish a single phase cost-shared study process and that for each feasibility study undertaken, the district engineer will develop a detailed study schedule and to notify the non-federal interests.  The reporting requirement is applicable to active studies that received investigations funding from October 1, 2009, to June 10, 2014, or within 90 days of signing Federal Cost Sharing Agreements for studies initiated after June 10, 2014.

A copy of the letters and an overview of study schedule milestones are posted below. 

San Francisco Waterfront Study

South San Francisco Shoreline Phase II Study 

San Francisquito Creek Watershed Study

Corte Madera Creek Feasibility Study

Pajaro River Food Risk Management Project

San Francisco Waterfront Flood Resiliency Study

Pajaro River Flood Risk Management Project

Pajaro River Flood Risk Management Project

Pajaro Feasibility Study Milestone Letters

Studies and Reports

Feasibility Study Release Of DraftFeasibility Report District Submits Final Feasibility Report MSC Transmits Final Feasibility Report Senior Leader Briefing Signed Chief's


Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) Projects

  Authorization Implementation Guidance

WRDA 2007, Section 2003

This section amends Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970 to add a new subsection that each district engineer shall make available, including on the Internet, partnership agreements for all water resources and development projects in their district that were executed within the 10 years preceding enactment of WRDA 2007 as well as those agreements executed since the enactment of WRDA 2007.


This interactive list of USACE San Francisco District water resource project agreements, below, may be accessed in several ways: 

  • Search using the search window, below, to find projects by name.
  • Clear the results of your search by clicking Reset Search.
  • Page through the full contents of the list by using the paging controls at the lower right corner of the table.

This list is sorted in alphabetical order by project title.

Form and List

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