
Individual Permits are permits for activities that cannot be authorized under a general permit.  These activities may have more than minimal individual or cumulative environmental impacts or may include activities not covered under a general permit.  Individual permits consist of Standard Permits and Letters of Permission.

Standard Permits (SPs) are a type of individual permit issued for projects that are likely to have more than a minimal individual or cumulative impact on aquatic resources. SPs have been processed through the public interest review procedures, including public notice and receipt of comments.  Review through the SP process is done for activities that do not qualify for authorization under a RGP, PGP, NWP, or LOP and require a 30-day Public Notice period and review under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).




NOTE:  The document must be opened using Adobe Acrobat, it will not open in a web browser, right click the "Application Form" link and select "Save Link As" to download the application. Then go to the folder you downloaded to and open the PDF document. You may need to select "Enable All Features" to view the form in Adobe Acrobat.