Project Title: San Francisco Bay Federal Channels Operation and Maintenance Dredging and Sediment Placement Activities (Proposed Project)
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), as the lead federal agency, and the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) are preparing a joint NEPA/CEQA document for Operations and Maintenance dredging of the federal navigational channels in San Francisco Bay, and for dredged material placement in the San Francisco Bay Region. Under CEQA, upon deciding to prepare an EIR, the Water Board, as the CEQA lead agency, must issue a Notice of Preparation (NOP) to inform responsible and trustee agencies and the public of its decision. This documentation will be consistent with the previously prepared Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Report for Maintenance Dredging of the Federal Navigation Channels in San Francisco Bay: Fiscal Years 2015-2024 (2015-2024 EA/EIR), and other approved management plans. The Water Board is requesting your agency's comments on the scope and content of the environmental information that is relevant to your agency's statutory responsibilities regarding the proposed project. Your agency may need to use the EIR when considering your permit or other approval for the project.
Due to the time limits mandated by State law, your response must be sent at the earliest possible date, but not later than 30 days after the notice date. Please send your response to Jazzy Graham-Davis (, along with the name for a contact person in your agency.
Written comments on the scope of the NEPA/CEQA document should be sent to the Water Board, c/o Jazzy Graham-Davis ( Comments must be received by 5 p.m. March 14, 2024. The scoping period will run from February 13, 2024 through March 14, 2024.
A meeting was held during the scoping period.
Draft SF By Dredging Notice of Preparation
June 2, 2023, Charrette - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) San Francisco District held a San Francisco Bay Regional Dredged Material Management Plan (RDMMP) Charrette on Friday, June 2nd, from 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time. The objectives of the RDMMP planning process are to ensure San Francisco Bay’s federally dredged navigation channels have placement site capacity over 20 years, to identify the array of dredged material placement alternative plans, and to determine the federal standard base plan for USACE maintenance dredging projects. As part of the planning process, USACE staff and partners are currently considering:
- dredged material supply (i.e., maintenance dredging volumes from 11 federal navigation projects in and adjacent to San Francisco Bay);
- dredged material placement sites, including beneficial uses of dredged material (i.e., placement site opportunities, capacity, and timing); and
- dredged material placement equipment, methods, and strategies (e.g., direct placement, water column seeding, strategic placement, marsh spraying).
This interactive event consisted of presentations on the San Francisco Bay RDMMP planning process to date, as well as group discussion and brainstorming (e.g., measures and alternative plans). Please see the charrette notes and presentation files below for more information.
RDMMP Charrette Presentation
Notes RDMMP Charrette 6-2-2023
The SF District held a public meeting Friday, July 19, 2019, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Federal Building located at 90, 7th Street in SF to provide details about the process for completing a Dredge Material Management Plan and to provide a forum for public comment and recommendations about the scope of this effort. The Corps sought public input for development of the Project Management Plan for the SF RDMMP. A few months later, the USACE SF District held a public meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019, to present an overview of the District's Navigation Program. The meeting was part of an effort by the Corps to evaluate the agency's SF Bay Navigation Program to best position the program for success over the next several decades. It took place from 6-8 p.m., at the Pinole Library located at 2935 Pinole Valley Rd, Pinole, Calif., 94585.
The USACE SF District then hosted a series of virtual charrettes to discuss comments submitted on the draft Project Management Plan (PMP) for the SF Bay RDMMP. The charrettes were organized into four comment categories:
- Toxicology – July 7, 2020
- Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues – July 9, 2020
- Physical Processes – sediment transport, sea walls, erosion controls, etc.
- Economics, Social Studies, and Policies – July 16, 2020
- Summary and Next Steps – July 21, 2020