Trekking the Bay Model Facility

Join us each Saturday at 11:00 A.M. for a 45-minute guided tour led by knowledgeable docents. Explore the San Francisco Bay Estuary watershed, tracing its journey from the Sierras to the sea. Delve into fluid dynamics, the dramatic human impact that changed California, and discover the pivotal role of USACE research and engineering projects throughout the Bay Area and beyond.

California Coastal Cleanup

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Bay Model Visitor Center
2100 Bridgeway
Sausalito, CA 94965

Phone: 415-289-3007
Fax: 415-289-3004

Welcome to the Bay Model Visitor Center

The Bay Model Visitor Center in Sausalito is a fully accessible education center administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers which hosts a working hydraulic model of the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento - San Joaquin River Delta System.






The model provides scientists, educators and visitors interested in San Francisco Bay and the Bay - Delta Model a unique opportunity to view the complete bay-delta system at a glance.  Group tours are available and can be tailored to various technical levels. The Corps of Engineers encourages visits by scientific and technical groups provided they meet certain criteria.  Contact the manager at (415) 289-3007. 

The Bay Model's hours are:
Tuesday through Friday -  9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

CLOSED:  Sunday, Monday and all federal holidays.

When a federal holiday falls on a Monday, the facility is CLOSED on the previous Saturday.

** Free Admission ** 

Donations are gratefully appreciated.

Bay Model Master Plan 

Tanker followed by Oral Histories (29 mins 44 secs)
From the Sierras to the Pacific (10 mins 48 secs)
Bay Model Tour Brochure

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