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Archive: 2017
  • SPN-2008-00074 San Francisco Marina West Harbor Maintenance Dredging

    Expiration date: 12/30/2017

    The City of San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), San Francisco District, for a 10-year Department of the Army Permit to carry out maintenance dredging of accumulated sediment at the San Francisco Marina West Harbor (West Harbor) located in the City and County of San Francisco, California. Disposal of the dredged sediment from the proposed dredging project would involve placement of dredged material at dredged material placement sites such as the Alcatraz Island Dredged Material Disposal Site (SF-11), the San Pablo Bay Dredged Material Disposal Site (SF-10), the San Francisco Deep Ocean Disposal Site (SF-DODS), the San Francisco Channel Bar Dredged Material Disposal Site (SF-8), appropriate beneficial reuse sites, and upland placement sites when necessary. If necessary, some dredged sediment, primarily sand, may be placed as cap (i.e. cover) material in designated areas within the Harbor. The purpose of the proposed maintenance dredging is to restore the West Harbor berths, fairways, sediment trap, and entrance channel to their original project design depths to allow safe navigational depths for primarily recreational boats berthed at the West Harbor.

  • SPN-2015-00448N Eel River Estuary and Centerville Slough Enhancement Project

    Expiration date: 12/22/2017

    The Wildlands Conservancy has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to discharge fill material into jurisdictional waters of the United States associated with the construction of aquatic habitat improvements and agricultural land management on approximately 1,200 acres 4 miles west of Ferndale, California.

  • SPN-2002-271690N Brighton Village Residential Development

    Expiration date: 12/2/2017

    Rancho Tolenas Corporation has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to discharge fill material into jurisdictional waters of the United States associated with the construction of a residential subdivision, located in the northeast portion of the City of Fairfield, Solano County, California.

  • SPN-2004-249121N - Reissuance of RGP 6 (Southern Sonoma County Resource Conservation District levee maintenance)

    Expiration date: 11/17/2017

    The Sonoma Resource Conservation District has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District, for reissuance of Department of the Army Regional General Permit (RGP) 6 to authorize dredging in the Petaluma River drainage basin in Sonoma and Marin Counties and the Sonoma Creek drainage basin, Sonoma County, California for the purpose of obtaining material to maintain existing levees.

  • Special Public Notice: Mitigation Bank Enabling Instrument (BEI) Template

    The Sacramento, San Francisco, and Los Angeles Districts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, along with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the California Resources Agency, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the State Water Resources Control Board, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service as potential participants in Interagency Review Teams have updated the standard Mitigation Bank Enabling Instrument template for use with mitigation banks that are established within the State of California. This notice is to inform interested parties of the availability of the completed template

  • SPN-2002-26912N Coast Seafoods Company, Humboldt Bay Shellfish Aquaculture, Permit Renewal

    Expiration date: 10/22/2017

    Coast Seafoods has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to extend regulatory approvals for the intertidal and subtidal acreage it currently farms in Humboldt Bay's North Bay and Central Bay in Humboldt County, California.. In addition to requesting continuing regulatory approval for existing operations, Coast is also proposing to implement changes to existing operations.

  • SPN-2012-00258 Reissuance of Regional General Permit 3 for Suisun Marsh Managed Wetlands Operations and Maintenance

    Expiration date: 10/25/2017

    Suisun Resource Conservation District (SRCD); California Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW); California Department of Water Resources (DWR); and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) have applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Reissuance of Regional General Permit 3 (RGP3) – Suisun Marsh Managed Wetlands Operations and Maintenance Projects. RGP3 is currently set to expire on December 31, 2017. RGP3 currently authorizes the permittees to conduct annual maintenance activities with minor environmental impacts within the managed wetlands of Suisun Marsh. The RGP3 reissuance would authorize the aforementioned currently implemented activities for another five years.

  • SPN 2015-00064S Chevron Mallard Farms HDD Project

    Expiration date: 9/30/2017

    Chevron Pipe Line Company has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to discharge fill material and conduct work within jurisdictional waters of the United States associated with the replacement of a 1.7-mile-long buried segment of the Bay Area Product Line (BAPL), located in Honker Bay and the adjacent Suisun Marsh and Grizzly Island Wildlife Area in Solano County, California.

  • SPN-2007-400352 Kinsey Ranch Summer Bridge

    Expiration date: 9/29/2017

    Kinsey Ranch has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to install and remove a seasonal bridge annually for the next ten years, on the East Branch of the South Fork Eel River, 3.7 river miles from the confluence with the South Fork Eel River, near the community of Benbow, Humboldt County, California.

  • SPK 2015 00819, Decision of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District (Corps) to accept funds contributed by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company

    The purpose of this Public Notice is to inform the general public that the District Commander of the Sacramento District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“Corps”) has decided to accept funds contributed by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company
  • SPK 2016-00149, Decision to Accept and Expend Funds - Division of Environmental Services WRDA

    SUBJECT: The purpose of this Public Notice is to inform the general public that the District
  • SPN-2017-00369S Proposal To Accept Funds From The Alameda County Flood Control And Water Conservation District

    Expiration date: 9/11/2017

    This Public Notice announces the preliminary intent of the San Francisco District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to accept and expend funds contributed by the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District.

  • SPN-1996-222150 City of Eureka Maintenance Dredging

    Expiration date: 8/22/2017

    The City of Eureka has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), San Francisco District, for a w10-year Department of the Army Permit to dredge three facilities in Humboldt Bay: Eureka Small Boat Basin (SBB), Commercial Street Dock (CSD) and the US Coast Guard (USCG) Slip. The purpose of the proposed dredging is to return these facilities to safe navigable depths to ensure safe operations for vessels using these facilities. The dredged material would be disposed of at the Humboldt Open Ocean Disposal Site (HOODS).

  • SPN-2012-00302S Prospectus: Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan In-Lieu Fee Program

    Expiration date: 8/25/2017

    Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency has submitted a prospectus to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other members of the Interagency Review Team for the establishment of the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan Regional General Permit In-Lieu Fee Program. If authorized, this In-Lieu Fee Program would receive monies from permittees receiving Corps authorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972, as amended (33 U.S.C. § 1344 et seq.), when appropriate, to provide compensatory mitigation credit as part of Section 404 or enforcement actions within the proposed service area. Additionally, the proposed In-Lieu Fee Program may be utilized to offset unavoidable impacts to waters of the State that are regulated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act or Section 13260 of the Porter-Cologne Act.

  • SPN-2008-00313 Suisun City Marina

    Expiration date: 8/1/2017

    The City of Suisun City has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District, for a 10-year Department of Permit to dredge sediment from the Suisun City Marina (including the North Basin, Marina, Main Channel, Connecting Channel and the Marina Village Residential District) in Suisun City, Solano County, California then place the sediment on Pierce Island, Solano County, California. The purpose of the project is to restore navigable depths for recreational boats to the Suisun Marina, the Marina Village Residential District and access channels. The dredged sediment will be placed on Pierce Island.

  • SPN-2013-00204S 250-Foot Channel Closure

    Expiration date: 7/12/2017

    Chevron Products Company has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit for the final closure of the 250-Foot Channel under San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board oversight to meet corrective action objectives, and to provide a beneficial reuse location for the Long Wharf annual maintenance dredging sediments.

  • SPN-1996-224540 Westpoint Harbor Dredging

    Expiration date: 6/9/2017

    The Westpoint Harbor has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) San Francisco District, for a 10-year Department of the Army Permit to dredge 500,000 cubic yards from Westpoint Harbor, Redwood City, San Mateo County, California and dispose of the dredged material at the Alcatraz Disposal Site (SF-11) in San Francisco Bay. The purpose of the proposed dredging is to return the Westpoint Harbor and entrance channel to its originally permitted depth to allow safe navigational depths for recreational boats and to construct a silt basin.

  • SPN-2006-22397N Bel Marin Keys Maintenance Dredging

    Expiration date: 6/30/2017

    The Bel Marin Keys Community Services District has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), San Francisco District, for a 10-year Department of the Army Permit to carry out maintenance dredging of accumulated sediment, with upland disposal at the Bel Marin Keys Dredged Material Management Site (BMK DMMS), in the Bel Marin Keys North Lagoon and Novato Creek in Novato, Marin County, California. The purpose of the proposed maintenance dredging is to return the Bel Marin Keys Lagoon and designated areas within Novato Creek, to the originally permitted design depth to allow safe navigational depths for recreational boats and water level management within the Bel Marin Keys Lagoons.

  • SPN-2017-00163N McClean Community Center

    Expiration date: 7/6/2017

    The McClean Foundation U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to discharge fill material into jurisdictional waters of the United States associated with the construction of a community center.

  • SPN-2002-267760 Peyton Slough Remediation Project Shoreline Protection

    Expiration date: 6/22/2017

    Eco Services Operations Corporation has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to discharge fill material into jurisdictional waters of the United States associated with the construction of shoreline protection where ongoing wave erosion threatens to expose contaminated sediments that were buried as part of the Peyton Slough Remediation Project and to erode tidal salt marsh habitat, located on the southern shore of Carquinez Strait, in the City of Martinez, Contra Costa County, California.

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Contact Information

Department of the Army
San Francisco District, Corps of Engineers
Regulatory Division
450 Golden Gate Ave., 4th Floor
San Francisco, California 94102-3404

Phone Number: (415) 503-6795
Fax Number: (415) 503-6693