
Projects & Planning General Info
450 Golden Gate
San Francisco, CA 94102

Dam Safety

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the lead agency for the National Dam Safety Program.  The Corps works with FEMA to increase dam safety.

We can help - through the National Dam Safety Program (NDSP).  Services provided include:

a. Federally Owned, Operated, and Maintained Dams
We implement a safety program that is in accordance with NDSP standards for each of the federally owned, operated, and maintained dams in the San Francisco area.  The safety effort at each dam includes:

  • Operation and Maintenance
  • Annual Inspections
  • Instrumentation, Monitoring, and Evaluation
  • Dam Safety Training; and
  • Emergency Preparedness (Emergency Action Plans)

b. Other Dams  

We can provide emergency technical assistance during and after flood events for dams that other federal agencies, California, and local communities own and operate.

c. National Inventory of Dams

We assist in the national inventory of dams for the San Francisco area.  The inventory is used for emergency preparedness, land use studies, and water resource, floodplain, and risk management.

d. Additional Information

The National Dam Safety Program is described in more detail at: 

More state specific dam safety information can be found at the Association of State Dam Safety Official’s website: 

For further assistance, please contact the:

- Dam and Levee Safety Program Manager at

- Coyote Valley Dam Project Manager at

- Warm Springs Dam Project Manager at