Banks located in Marin County: |
Burdell Mitigation Bank
service area
Approved Credit Type:
Wetland Creation |
Burdell Tenancy in Common
Post Office Box 2039
Mill Valley, California 94942
Anthony Georges
Telephone: 415-602-4151
Banks located in San Benito County: |
Pajaro Mitigation Bank
service area
Approved Credit Type:
Wetland Creation |
California Conservation Holdings, LLC
1230 Peachtree St. NE, Suite 3600
Atlanta, GA 30309
Ms. Peggy Lee
1210 G Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 698-8488
Banks located in San Mateo County: |
San Francisco Bay Wetland Mitigation Bank
service area
Approved Credit Type:
Tidal Wetland and Other Waters Creation.
Non-tidal/seasonal wetland and other waters within the service area may be eligible to use the Bank for mitigation on a case-by-case basis (i.e., for projects with impacts to non-tidal/seasonal wetlands or other waters that may have been historic tidal wetlands or other waters).
Sponsor and Contact :
Mr. Max A. Keech
Keech Properties, LLC
Telephone (650) 529-9500
Email: |
Banks located in Solano County: |
Elsie Gridley Mitigation Bank
service area
Approved Credit Type:
Wetland Creation |
Sponsor and Contact:
WRA, Inc.
Tim DeGraff
2169-G East Francisco Blvd.
San Rafael, CA 94901
North Suisun Mitigation Bank
CTS service area
Vernal Pool Service Area
Approved Credit Type:
Vernal Pool Wetland Creation
Vernal Pool Wetland Preservation
California Tiger Salamander |
California Conservation Holdings, LLC
1230 Peachtree St. NE, Suite 3600
Atlanta, GA 30309
Ms. Peggy Lee
1210 G Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 698-8488
Banks located in Sonoma County: |
Carinalli-Todd Mitigation Bank
service area = Santa Rosa Plain
Approved Credit Types:
Wetland Creation
Wetland Preservation
California Tiger Salamander
Sponsor and Contact:
Kevin Carinalli
Carinalli Nature Preserve, LLC.
520 Mendocino Avenue, Suite 250
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Desmond Mitigation Bank
The Desmond Bank is established in order to primarily serve the central and southern parts of the Santa Rosa Plain from potentially as far north as Airport Boulevard (the northern edge of the "Central" geographic zone as per the Programmatic Consultation) in the north, south through Cotati. Depending on agency authorizations, the Desmond Bank may also potentially serve to mitigate minor impacts outside the Santa Rosa Plain, specifically (and as permitted project by project) in or near Sebastopol, Forestville, and/or other nearby vicinities, depending upon agency approvals for those independent projects.
service area
Approved Credit Types:
Wetland Creation
Wetland Preservation |
Sponsor and Contact:
Christopher and Annie Desmond
4801 Llano Road
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Telephone: 707-824-9100
Fax: 707-824-9192
Hale Mitigation Bank
service area = Santa Rosa Plain
Pending Credits:
Wetland Creation
Wetland Preservation
California Tiger Salamander |
Ilan Silberstein
Charlie Traboulsi
3289 Regional Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Telephone: 707-577-0425
Cell: 707-494-0425
Fax: 707-573-1418
Hazel Mitigation Bank
(service area = Santa Rosa Plain)
Approved Credit Types:
Wetland Creation
California tiger salamander |
Harvey Rich
Hazel Mitigation Preserve, L.L.C.
Harvey Rich
336 Bon Air Center, Box 232
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Telephone: (415) 472-1086
Fax: (415) 471-1147
Horn Avenue Mitigation Bank
The Horn Avenue Bank is established in order to primarily serve projects in the southern and central parts of the Santa Rosa Plain (Cotati to Airport Blvd.) as portrayed by the "Programmatic Consultation" between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Bank is targeted to serve the immediate geographic portion of the Santa Rosa Plain in which it occurs (southern third) plus the zone next closest, i.e. the Central portion.
service area
Approved Credit Types:
Wetland Creation |
Horn Avenue LLC
Charlie Traboulsi
3289 Regional Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Telephone: 707-577-0425
Cell: 707-494-0425
Fax: 707-573-1418
Laguna Valley Bank
The Laguna Valley Bank is established in order to serve the Santa Rosa Plain from potentially as far north as Windsor in the north, south to Cotati. Depending on agency authorizations, the Laguna Valley Bank may also potentially serve to mitigate minor impacts outside the Santa Rosa Plain, specifically (and as permitted project by project) in or near Sebastopol, Forestville, and/or other nearby vicinities, depending upon agency approvals for those independent projects. There are currently 27.5 acre credits available.
service area
Approved Credit Types:
Wetland Creation
Lynda and Domenic Carinalli
Lynda Carinalli
4905 Gravenstein Highway, South
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Telephone: 707-795-7052
Fax: 707-824-9432