NEPA scoping period begins for Upper Guadalupe River study

USACE San Francisco District
Published July 1, 2021
Updated: July 1, 2021
A photo of Upper Guadalupe River in San Jose, Calif.

A photo of Upper Guadalupe River in San Jose, Calif.

SAN FRANCISCO – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) San Francisco District is currently preparing a general reevaluation report and integrated National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document to evaluate flood risk management and recreation alternatives along 5.5 miles of the Guadalupe River in San Jose, Calif. Valley Water is the non-federal partner for the study.

Specifically, the study area runs from Interstate 280 south to Blossom Hill Road. In addition to the mainstem Guadalupe River, two tributaries are included in this study: Ross Creek and Canoas Creek. This area is highly urbanized, supporting residential and commercial land uses.

USACE will conduct NEPA scoping to solicit public participation and input that will assist with determining the appropriate level of NEPA documentation for the study and any key issues of public concern. Community members are invited to submit any alternatives, information, or analyses suggested for consideration under this effort at this time.

Please note that Valley Water is the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) lead agency for the study and is conducting CEQA review under a separate process, which is not part of this NEPA scoping effort. 

Key Dates

USACE requests written comments and suggested alternatives, information, or analyses be submitted by July 31, 2021. Written comments may be emailed to or mailed to: Ms. Anne Baker, 450 Golden Gate Ave, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102.

In addition, there will be a USACE-led virtual public meeting on July 14, 6-7:30 p.m. A link to the WebEx meeting is available on the USACE website or can be provided upon request at 

About the Study

The Upper Guadalupe River Project was originally authorized by Congress in the Water Resources Development Act of (WRDA) of 1999. The authorization was revised in WRDA 2007. During preconstruction design, unanticipated velocity and erosion issues were identified that could potentially increase the cost of the project, resulting in potential challenges with the project’s economic justification.  The General Reevaluation Study kicked off in January 2021 to reformulate potential alternatives to find a viable recommendation to address flood risk and improve recreation opportunities along the Upper Guadalupe River.