Tag: risk reduction
  • May

    Lake Sonoma continues expanded “No Wake Zones”

    GEYSERVILLE, Calif. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Lake Sonoma is continuing the expanded no wake zones established in 2021 to keep boaters safe during historic low water levels this recreation season. With increasing underwater hazards, boats will not be allowed to travel more than 5 mph or produce a wake in the Warm Springs arm of the lake, beginning at the Rockpile Road Bridge. The Dry Creek arm will also continue expanded no wake zones beginning upstream of Falcons Nest Campground. Normal boating operations will be allowed between Falcons Nest Campground and Rockpile Road Bridge. These zones will remain in effect until the lake level increases to a safer pool elevation.
  • Controlled Burn Scheduled for Lake Sonoma’s Warm Springs Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in conjunction with Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District (NSCFPD) and Santa Rosa Junior College, are planning to conduct a controlled burn training at Lake Sonoma’s Warm Springs Dam from Wednesday, June 1 – Friday, June 3. This event serves to help train firefighters how to conduct controlled burns, and to allow for mandatory safety inspections of the earthen dam. Periodic episodes of smoke may be visible each day during the training course.