US Army Corps of Engineers
San Francisco District Website

Actions of Interest

The following pending projects have garnered a considerable amount of public interest. They are summarized here for your information.

Upper Llagas Creek Flood Protection Project

The Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) as the Applicant proposes to construct the Upper Llagas Creek Flood Protection Project located in southern Santa Clara County, approximately 25 miles southeast of San Jose, in the communities of Morgan Hill, San Martin, and Gilroy for the purpose of providing flood risk management and protection for residents, businesses, and infrastructure in those communities. This Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) evaluates the potential effects of authorizing, via Department of the Army permit pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. Part 1344), the discharge of dredged or fill material into Waters of the United States necessary to construct the project. Considered alternatives include: the NRCS Alternative, the Tunnel Alternative (Applicant’s Proposed Action), Culvert/Channel Alternative, the Reach 6 Bypass Alternative, and the No Action Alternative. As proposed, the Project would result in 44.82 acres of temporary and 3.81 acres of permanent impacts to waters of the United States.

FINAL Environmental Impact Statement

DRAFT Environmental Impact Statement


Public Notice