Archive: January, 2024
  • January

    USACE, EBMUD officials sign milestone project partnership agreement in Alameda

    ALAMEDA, Calif. – Leaders from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District and East Bay Municipal Utility District signed a milestone project partnership agreement today paving the way for construction of the first recycled water pipeline to serve Alameda.
  • Shallow water strategic placement pilot project kicks off in San Francisco Bay

    A steady stream of scows began arriving the morning of Dec. 6 just off the coast of Eden Landing, a 6,400-acre ecological reserve located along the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay, depositing nutrient-rich dredge material in the shallow Bay waters about one mile from its tidal marshes. The daily operation, which wrapped up Dec. 31, is part of a $3.6 million shallow water strategic placement pilot project spearheaded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District, California State Coastal Conservancy (non-federal project proponent), and monitored by the U.S. Geological Survey. Sediment has a very important role to play in preparing the Bay Area for sea level rise, storm surge and other impacts of climate change. Beneficially using dredged sediment to help the bay's wetlands accrete is an effective and cost-efficient way to maintain these habitats that sustain wildlife and provide critical flood defenses.