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Under the Corps' Regulatory Program, a public notice is the primary method for advising all interested parties of a proposed activity for which a permit is sought. Public notices are also published to inform the public about new or proposed regulations, policies, guidance or permit procedures.
We are requesting public comments on many Public Notices (PNs) concurrently; please pay careful attention to the file number and the comments Due Date.
Email comments are preferred. To submit comments in writing, send them to the attention of the Project Manager listed in the Public Notice title block. All comments should reference the PN file number and be submitted by the Response Required Date on the PN.
The Public Notices are in pdf format. To read the files you may need to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader or another comparable program
If you would like to be added to one or more of the public notice mailing lists, send an email to with your contact information (Name, Organization, Mailing Address, Email, Phone Number) and the notification list(s) you would like to be added to:
All Counties within San Francisco District - or - Alameda | Contra Costa | Del Norte | Humboldt | Marin | Mendocino Monterey | Napa | San Benito | San Francisco | San Luis Obispo | San Mateo Santa Clara | Santa Cruz | Siskiyou | Solano | Sonoma | Trinity
If you are on our mailing list and your contact information changes, please notify with your new addresses. E-mails returned due to a non-functioning address will be removed from notification lists.
The applicant has applied for a Department of the Army Permit to excavate and discharge fill into jurisdictional waters of the United States to restore approximately 955 acres of tidal marsh, preserve and enhance a 106-acre area of non-tidal seasonal wetland and provide public recreation access south of Highway 37 on the 2,327-acre Sears Point property located in southern Sonoma County, just north of San Pablo Bay.
Department of the Army San Francisco District, Corps of Engineers Regulatory Division 450 Golden Gate Ave., 4th Floor San Francisco, California 94102-3404 Phone Number: (415) 503-6795 Fax Number: (415) 503-6693