The City of San José, City of Morgan Hill, City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, Santa Clara Valley Water District, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, and Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency, collectively known as the co-Permittees, have applied to the United States Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District, for a Regional General Permit (RGP), a Department of the Army Permit. The Habitat Plan RGP (HP RGP) would authorize its co-permittees to complete activities covered by the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)/Natural Community Conservation Plan that have minimal impacts on waters of the United States. These activities may include urban development, in-stream capital projects, in-stream operations and maintenance projects, rural capital projects, rural operations and maintenance projects, rural development, and habitat restoration, creation, and enhancement and may result in project actions that directly or indirectly impact waters of the United States. The Habitat Plan area proposed to be covered under the HP RGP (HP RGP area) includes 460,205 acres of land located entirely within Santa Clara County, California.