Regulatory Public Notices

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  • SPN-2021-00219 - Military Ocean Terminal Concord (MOTCO) Boat Ramp

    Expiration date: 4/2/2022

    Military Ocean Terminal Concord has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to dredge and fill wetlands and navigable waters for the construction of a new boat ramp.

  • Nationwide permits reissuance and final regional conditions for the State of California

    Expiration date: 3/14/2026

    On January 13, 2021, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) published a notice in the Federal Register (86 FR 2744) announcing the reissuance of 12 existing nationwide permits (NWPs) and issuance of 4 new NWPs. In that final rule, the Corps also reissued the NWP general conditions and definitions. Those 16 NWPs and the NWP general conditions and definitions went into effect on March 15, 2021 and will expire on March 14, 2026.

  • SPN-2018-00371 West Bay Sanitary District Flow Equalization and Resource Recovery Facility Protection Project

    Expiration date: 3/21/2022

    West Bay Sanitary District has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to install the Flow Equalization and Resource Recovery Facility Levee Improvements Project, located in San Mateo County, California.

  • SPN-2009-00308 Larkspur Ferry Terminal Maintenance Dredging

    Expiration date: 3/16/2022

    The Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District (GGBHTD) has applied for a ten-year Department of the Army permit to conduct maintenance dredging within the berths, turning basin, and approach channel at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal located in Larkspur, Marin County, California. The purpose of the proposed dredging is to return the ferry berths, turning basin, and approach channel to the original design depths in order to facilitate safe navigation for the GGBHTD ferries operating to and from the terminal.

  • SPN-2020-00142 City of Pleasanton Stream and Pond Maintenance Program

    Expiration date: 3/4/2022

    The City of Pleasanton has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Regional General Permit (RGP) to authorize routine stream maintenance activities in stream channels and ponds managed by the City of Pleasanton in Alameda County, California.

  • SPN-2008-00160 - Cargill Salt Ponds Operations and Maintenance

    Expiration date: 2/27/2022

    Cargill, Incorporated has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Regional General Permit (RGP) to authorize ongoing operations and maintenance of existing salt pond infrastructure used in Cargill’s industrial salt production in the San Francisco Bay.

  • SPN-2003-279220 Reissuance of Regional General Permit 12 - Fisheries Restoration Grant Program

    Expiration date: 2/20/2022

    California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, to reissue and revise Regional General Permit (RGP) 12 to continue authorizing salmonid habitat enhancement projects conducted in accordance with the CDFW Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP) and North Coast Coho Recovery (NCCR) proposal.

  • SPN-2016-00417 - 900 Innes Park Redevelopment Project

    Expiration date: 2/7/2022

    The San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to work within and discharge fill material into jurisdictional waters of the United States associated with the construction of a shoreline public park with amenities, located at 900 Innes Avenue, in the City and County of San Francisco, California.

  • SPN-2020-00385 Walnut Creek and Grayson Creek Desilting Project

    Expiration date: 2/5/2022

    The Contra Costa County Public Works Department has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to install temporary access ramps within Section 404 jurisdictional waters in order to remove approximately 123,800 cubic yards of sediment from Walnut Creek and 42,500 cubic yards of sediment from Grayson Creek

  • SPN-2020-00231 Mendocino Coast Mitigation Bank

    Expiration date: 1/29/2022

    RES has submitted a Prospectus to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, and other members of the Interagency Review Team (IRT) for the establishment of the Mendocino Coast Mitigation Bank. If authorized, this mitigation bank would receive money from the California Department of Transportation (“project proponent”), and potentially also from other individuals or entities, receiving Corps authorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972, when appropriate, to provide compensatory mitigation credit as part of Section 404 permits or enforcement actions within the proposed service area. Additionally, the proposed mitigation bank may also be utilized to offset unavoidable impacts that are regulated by the California Regional Water Quality Control Boards under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act or Section 13260 of the Porter-Cologne Act, the California Coastal Commission under the California Coastal Act, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife under Section 1602 of the California Fish and Game Code or the California Endangered Species Act, or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries Service under the federal Endangered Species Act.

  • SPN-2020-00284 San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District Hayward Maintenance Complex (Phase 2) Project

    Expiration date: 1/31/2022

    San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to implement the Hayward Maintenance Complex Phase 2 Project at the Hayward Maintenance Yard located in the City of Hayward, Alameda County, California

  • SPN-2015-00386 Radiant Avenue Industrial Development

    Expiration date: 1/15/2022

    Maggiora & Ghilotti, Inc. has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to fill wetlands in association with development of a truck and equipment storage lot.

  • SPN-2003-279780 Point Eden Way Warehouse Development

    Expiration date: 1/2/2022

    U-HAUL has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to fill wetlands and other waters for a commercial warehouse development.

  • SPN-2019-00146 Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Open Space Maintenance and Restoration Program

    Expiration date: 12/23/2021

    Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to implement the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Open Space Maintenance and Restoration Program (Program) throughout the Midpen’s over 64,000 acres of open space in the South Bay and San Francisco Peninsula, in San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties, California.

  • SPN-2011-00420 Lower Alameda Creek Maintenance and Restoration

    Expiration date: 12/18/2021

    The Alameda County Flood Control District (ACFCD) has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to conduct work and place fill/structures into waters of the United States associated with channel maintenance and restoration on a 5.6-mile reach of the Alameda Creek Flood Control Channel. The City has also requested permission from the Corps to alter the Alameda Creek federal flood risk management project, pursuant to Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, as amended (33 U.S.C. § 408 et seq.).

  • SPN-2000-257530 Renewal of Regional General Permit (RGP 7) for Marina Lagoon

    Expiration date: 12/18/2021

    The City of San Mateo Public Works has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to renew a Regional General Permit 7 (RGP-7) to allow for routine maintenance activities in Marina Lagoon that include, stormwater management, flood control, and recreational waterway maintenance. Maintenance activities would repair and preserve the Lagoon’s existing stormwater management infrastructure, capacity, public and private docks, recreational facilities, operations, and water quality. Additionally, project activities would remove sediment, replenish beach sand, remove nuisance aquatic vegetation, storm drain maintenance, fence maintenance, and bank stabilization. The Marina Lagoon is located in the City of San Mateo in San Mateo County, California.

  • SPN-2021-00070 Hog Island Oyster Company Aquaculture Project

    Expiration date: 12/18/2021

    The Hog Island Oyster Company (HIOC) has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to develop approximately 30 acres of oyster aquaculture within a 34-acre farm area on leased, intertidal areas adjacent to the Mad River Slough, in Arcata Bay, Humboldt County, California.

  • SPN-1999-246270 South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, Eden Landing Ecological Reserve: Phase 2

    Expiration date: 11/13/2021

    The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to conduct ecological restoration activities, and levee improvements within jurisdictional waters of the United States at Eden Landing Reserve associated the South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project, Phase 2, in Alameda County, California.

  • SPN-2017-00193 Routine Creek and Channel Maintenance Project City of Burlingame, San Mateo County

    Expiration date: 11/3/2021

    The City of Burlingame has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to conduct periodic routine maintenance to include sediment removal within stream channels and culverts, concrete channel repair, leaf litter and debris removal, vegetation trimming/removal, in-kind culvert repair and replacement, and dewatering associated with these activities, as needed, located in the City of Burlingame, San Mateo County, California.

  • SPN-2018-00119 MOTCO Maintenance Dredging

    Expiration date: 11/1/2021

    The U.S. Military Ocean Terminal Concord (MOTCO), Department of Public Works, has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), San Francisco District, for a 10-year Department of the Army permit to mechanically dredge approximately 270,000 cubic yards of sediment from three wharves and a barge pier and boat ramp area. Additionally MOTCO plans to move large objects out of the dredged area. MOTCO is located in Concord, Contra Costa County, California. MOTCO is proposing to use the Montezuma Wetlands Restoration Site (MWRP) as the primary placement site and an upland (non-wetland) portion of MOTCO as a contingency placement site (MOTCO site).

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Contact Information

Department of the Army
San Francisco District, Corps of Engineers
Regulatory Division
450 Golden Gate Ave., 4th Floor
San Francisco, California 94102-3404

Phone Number: (415) 503-6795
Fax Number: (415) 503-6693